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Writer's pictureYeshua

We Are Messengers

I am inspired by Spirit to bring messages to Lightworkers, and I can think of no greater honor. I can’t tell you how many times my soul has prospered because another shared such messages at just the right time. We are all meant to be messengers of some sort, whether it be to family, co-workers, friends or fellow Lightworkers. We share the knowledge we’ve gained from what we ourselves have experienced because we know we are not the only ones going through it and someone might run through the fire, instead of crawling, from what we share. We will help others along their path when we ourselves are unafraid to share what we have gone through, not only the bliss, but more importantly the horror, for that is when we all feel most vulnerable and alone. This is when the darkness tries to steal a Lightworkers identity, and we must keep that from happening. We are One Brigade and we are growing stronger by the minute (can you feel it?) and we leave no warrior by the wayside. We use our experiences to help others understand theirs, and they in turn do the same, it is a beautiful mechanism created by God to ensure that His warriors do not fail.

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