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Every single human being is adored by Him, exactly as they are.  You do not need to change yourself, just come to Him with a loving and open heart and He will show you what it is to truly live.  Visit the Blog section and be filled with encouragement and understand that you are always enough; you are deeply and profoundly loved.


This site has a divine purpose that is a bit different from what you will find elsewhere. There are so many sites for Lightworkers and just as many about Jesus, but I have not come across many that were specific to a Lightworkers relationship with Yeshua. Many have awakened and all they once believed to be true is gone, and they are now unsure where they fit in society.  Are they religious?  Are they still able to believe in the God that is being preached about? I was not, and many cannot, and so they are lost and confused and offended by the mere mention of the name God and/or Yeshua. Yeshua desires to shed light on the truth of who He is, He is your brother and the first to awaken from slumber, and He desires to show us the way.
I don’t think He minds that some call God Source or Universe, because He is, but He longs for each of us to know Him intimately and call Him Love.

    one love

    We have traversed the holy fires of transformation in order to awaken.  It was the only way we could be living examples of love and bring about the new humanity, one of unity and not division, one of love and not judgement, one of compassion and not detachment.  These holy fires have been used in many religions to strike fear into the heart of man and distort his image of God, our mission now is to live as examples of the truth, that God is love and we are made of His essence.


    You are mine, no matter what.  I will always choose you, every day, every lifetime, across all galaxies.  I wove you together in the womb of creation and set you apart for such a time as this.  I am yours and you are mine, and the veil has been torn asunder, sense my smile upon you and come dance with me.









    For unto us a child is born, not just any child, but a child who came with one agenda, to save us from ourselves and from the darkness that would engulf our souls and steal our destiny, He came to show us the Way.  We celebrate this magical and blessed event by loving Him and by loving every other soul as we love Him. He resides in every heart and thus we can look for Him there and not up in the sky. Look deeply into the eyes of your family and friends and all whom you pass on the street, each one is Yeshua in disguise.


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